
Achieve a society where each individual, regardless of they condition, has the necessary means to carry out they daily activities without being at the mercy of institutional and economic interests.

Our mission

Create free digital tools that do not discriminate, and help to achieve a horizontal society. They will put people in contact with each other, facilitating mutual help and give a voice to fight oppression.


We promote the above values by awarding the following badges to the projects:

Is all about the people

Code builds tools, tools give power, the power of the few shouldn't allow the discrimination of the many

Nothing matters if we lose our home

We should highlight software that helps us take care of the environment

We believe in transparency

Not only the code should be open

We want a free alternative for every scenario

Ethical people should be able to choose ethical tools

Public discussions and help at scale

Forums are an organized way where anyone can find answers and people who help the community are recognized for their work


Best practices for providing new languages. Anyone can easily translate to make our tools global.

Copy-left licenses

Open source is not a feature, is a must


We want the software to be enjoyable for everyone and to help us come together.